Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feeling of LOVE!

Life is Beautiful

The feeling of love is such,
You feel each moment full of happiness bunch,
Everything hits you with a smiles’ punch.
Every noise sounds melodious,
All the chaotic situations make you flourish,
All the mischief of your children feels joyous.

Oh Lord! This isn’t the feeling that I felt ever,
And the emotions that I experienced before,
And the thoughts that came never.
Thank you, Thank you for making me realize,
My appreciation to all those who helped me,
Then I Fell for the real thing and recognized.

Falling in love is the most precious feeling,
The sensations that make you feel complete,
The sentiments that help you nurture,
The awareness that enables to see, feel the beauty in everything,
 The consciousness that echoes “I love myself”,
The insight that reverberates “Indeed Life is beautiful!”